note 2 Subversive Activities by the 'Cult' of Japan

Nowadays there are people who actually have no faith in God but they fool themselves and others that they are great believers who want to do good to the world. Having selfish motives and trying to conceal their own wrong-doings and wicked actions, they attempt to test the saints with wild accusations. They do this according to modern-day trends. They are trying to misuse the law and cheat with scientific technology.* They are misleading and cheating the society.
  - 17th November 1995 -
* They deceive society by covert propaganda with the use of media
and destroy personal life by eavesdropping, taking sneak photos,
repeated intrusion, theft, damage to property, peeping and stalking.
1. Subversive Activities through Gossip
a. from Swamiji's satsang in August 2009

The person who is talking with you will talk as if he is an enlightened soul (comment; In an India  origin movement which was advertised as "you can make money, be authority and give enlightenment, the 'cult's leading members joined.) so you will think that you are not enlightened and that the reason for that must be because of your bad karma. Never gossip with others. If someone wants to come and gossip with you, just greet them and then leave them. Gossip affects your spiritual path, your life and your future. If you want to talk and chat with your friends then five of you should get together and agree that you will only talk about spiritual matters from the start. That kind of chat is what you call satsang because you are discussing spirituality. If you get together to talk about business and that is all that you discuss, then it is a business discussion.・・・
I will give you an example of gossip.
A friend of yours has gone to see a spiritual master. She tells you that when she went to the master's Ashram, he immediately called her, blessed her and said to her, "I don't call everyone but I have called you and blessed you so you will have a good life." It is a false story, which this person comes and tells you (comment; The 'cult' is always attempting to create confusion and thereby provoke confrontations between organizations or groups into which they creep hiding their origin. At that time, the 'cult' was sowing falseness which blankets truth to induce Swamiji's devotees to stray from spirituality and then to lead them to wander into the 'Ashram Business,' through the 'cult's availability). If you listen to such a story you will lose faith. What will have caused you to lose faith in a master? You will have lost faith in him because you listened to gossip.

b. from Swamiji's satsang in August 2009

If I stare at this Ashram resident without smiling, then she will think, "Swami was OK with me so what has happened?" If you see another person and you don't smile at them, then you are not acting like a human being. A human being who can't make others laugh is not a human being. If someone makes others angry and tense and hurts their minds then he is not a human being at all. That kind of behaviour is not human behaviour. That kind of behaviour is the kind that animals have.
(Comment; From Swamiji's those words, it turns out that the 'cult' have already crept into ashram at the time. The 'cult' went to not only Swami Premananda's ashram but also Sai Baba's and Bala Sai Baba's, where they were behaving in the same way as Swamiji pointed out in the above. Before poisoning Swami Premananda by the 'cult', Sai Baba knew it and stated about them in a strict way that they should adhere to the Five Buddhist Commandments when they are laymen, and also He said that those who revel in hurting others are not acting as human beings.)
・・・If you have thoughts of God in your mind then you should not want to and should try not to hurt others. If you are wearing holy ash on your forehead then your mind and thoughts should be white and pure. If not then there is no meaning at all in wearing this holy ash.


Q: What happens when Swamiji blesses someone? (France)
The questioner is the 'cult' French woman agent who is hiding her origin.
She had been in charge of some department in ashram for a while in 2008.

Swamiji's answer:
・・・The first thing that a human being should do is clean themselves. I do not mean cleaning yourself in the bath with soap. You should remove all the impurities and dust that is within you such as jealousy and ego. You should let go of that. That is important. When I bless you I will think that you have to get rid of all these things. But you do not want to let go of that behaviour. You are clinging on to it. You only seem to be interested in being jealous and competitive. You should let go of that.


Q: What is the origin of evil? (Canada)

A: In your minds exist negative thoughts, narrow attitudes, doubts and the habit of talking badly about others. As your minds are not immersed in purity, evil thoughts and ideas originate from there. When you have negative thoughts you also attract negative people to you. Such people may cause you to leave behind good friendships and influence you to believe that those good people are bad for you. When you spend time with evil minded people you may also get involved in bad things because those people are acting without any understanding of divinity.

If you have real devotion, thoughts of God, faith and surrender then the possibility of entertaining evil thoughts will be destroyed. In this way you will be able to stop the creation of evil thoughts.